Welcome to my website

My precious website was temporarily done just anyhow afew years ago and looks ugly. This time Free CSS Templates are used to reconctruct the website and at least it looks like a website.

Amateur radio and me...

I started the interest of radio since listening to SW broadcast 30 years ago, hoped that I could transmit radio waves one day. I had made MW and FM transmitters on later days, used radio receiver to receive SSB and eventually became a HAM. Due to the extremely bad EM condition at home, I can only do QSOs outside.

Currently I am mainly using UV band, like MMDVM DMR mode and is active on 46001 China group that had been net controller for a few times. If time allows, I will go outside with my 817 or Guohe PMR 171 on HF mostlikely digital mode e.g. FT8.


QSL confirmation:

  1. EQSL are preferred.
  2. If paper QSL cards are required. envelope with address and postage need to be prepared. The address is displayed in above section and shall be written in English only.
  3. Recently I have just registered for LOTW and QSL from LOTW is also convenient.

My information on QRZ website or (QRZ China).

Amateur radio licence I held

1. Singapore general class licence

2. China class B visitor operation certificate

My Anytone radio and MMDVM QQ group


My radio, electronics, computer and network group


My own forum

My forum will not restrict content like those in China.

Telegram Group

This is the telegram group same for discussion. Since it is outside China and there is no restriction.

